Marketplace Commission

This document will cover all commission related charges. These charges are applied to every product sale across the [dephoro] Marketplace. Please, make it a point to read through this document in full. We want you to succeed in this Marketplace, and understanding the numbers that go into it is vital. Failure to account for these charges could turn a profit into a potential loss.

Base Commission #

[dephoro] charges a small commission on every sale made through the [dephoro] Marketplace, an industry standard. We keep our commission as low as possible, but it realistically does need to draw in enough for us to cover our own expenses. With balance in mind, we have arrived at the following base commission rate:


Do note, this commission structure will change in the future. To emphasize our stance on commendable ethics, as well as our need for balance to stay afloat, we will be developing a category-specific commission and implementing it piecewise across all market categories over the following months. The logic being, the production costs versus sale prices in some categories are much more narrow than in others, and we want to be mindful of that. As we collect more data pertaining to this, we will decide on reasonable category-based commission rates and post them here. The number mentioned above reflects a base commission rate, with certain categories deviating from it slightly.

Commission by Category #

We have set the most commonly used commission rate as the site’s “Base Commission” and made separate mentions for all categories that do not fall under this Base Commission Rate. If you do not see a category, it is because that specific category is included in the Base Commission Rate category list, and will only appear as “Base Commission” on this table. Below is a table containing the commission rates for all product categories:

Category Commission
Base Commission

The above rates will change over time. Prices for goods fluctuate, sales prices fluctuate, and we must alter the rates to reflect such changes. If you are a Marketplace Merchant and wish to share information regarding product costs versus earnings, it would be immensely helpful in keeping these numbers within a mutually agreeable range.

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