The Merchant Dashboard is the interface you will use to list your products, view your sales and analytics, manage your account information and subscriptions, and more! The Dashboard is designed for ease-of-use, but should you need any clarifications then resources such as this Handbook, the chat bubble on the bottom right of your browser, and our Contact Us page are available to you.
Shipping Set-Up: Method Settings #
To get to the “Methods Settings” screen, hit the “Edit” link below the name of shipping method on the Zone Settings screen. To make this section as easy to follow as possible, we are going to look exclusively at the “Table Rate” method, and break the page contents into four different regions (screenshots followed by descriptions of that screenshot’s contents). The options across all shipping methods are very similar, and the Table Rate settings serve as an ample standard for describing the other methods.
Method Title: This is where you can change the internal name (you see this, not supporters) of this particular method.
Tax Status: Use this dropdown list to select the tax status of this shipping method.
Tax Included in Shipping Costs: Set this to “No, I will enter costs below exclusive of tax”. Tax laws are unique for marketplaces, and we will handle the tax aspects of the Marketplace for you.
Handling Fee: If your store charges a handling fee for shipments, this is where you would set that fee.
Maximum Shipping Cost: Set a limit to how high shipping costs can scale.
Calculation Type: Use this dropdown to select how the system should calculate shipping. Most of the options are self explanatory, but for clarity, the difference between an item and a line item is quantity of the same item. So, suppose we added 2 of the same shirt to our cart. If we use “per item”, the shipping would be applied to 2 shirts. If we choose line item, since the shirts are the same shirt, it would count the 2 shirts as one thing, and only apply the shipping cost to the combined (single) thing.
Handling Fee Per Order: If you wish to charge your handling fee per order as opposed to a generalized fee, this is where you would set that fee.
Minimum Cost Per Order: Use this to set a minimal cost for shipping. This might be useful for a small, lightweight order like stickers.
Maximum Cost Per Order: Use this to place an upper limit on shipping costs for a particular order.
Shipping Class: Use this dropdown menu to select which shipping class this line of settings will affect.
Condition: This column tells the system what product information it should use to calculate rates.
Min-Max: Use this to specify minimum and maximum values for your chosen.
Break: The break feature is really useful, and also somewhat complicated, so we are going to describe it more properly in a section below.
Abort: Enable this option to disable all rates for the shipping options you are editing.
Row Cost¹: The base cost for shipping this product (which could include packaging).
Item Cost¹: The cost for each individual product. This is an additional cost.
Weight Cost¹: A per weight-unit cost you can apply to a product.
% Cost¹: The percentage of a products cost that should be used as the shipping cost.
Label: This is the name that the supporter who is purchasing the product will see.
1: You do not have to fill out all of these slots. Filling out more than one of these boxes will stack shipping costs on top of each other. Only use the cost box that you need.
Class: A list of all available shipping classes, as well as a “Default” class.
Priority: If multiple classes activate at once (several products in the cart, for example) these numbers will determine which class takes priority. The lower the number, the higher the priority. So, as an example, a priority of 10 would take precedence over a priority of 20.
The Break Function #
In short, the Break function will instantly end the calculation and use only the line that the Break was on (if the condition to activate that line was met). Let’s take a look at the example image below:
The way the system will calculate this is as follows: Suppose we have an item that will activate all 3 rows. So our item might cost $100.00 and weigh 20 pounds, and the third line would activate by default because it has no conditions. When the system calculates this, it will do it line by line. So let’s follow along line by line.
The system will run the first line, Shipping Class #1. The product satisfies the condition, so the shipping calculation would be run, and this option would be added to the list of methods the user can choose from. The system completes the first line.
The system will then run the second line, Shipping Class #5. The product satisfies the condition, and the calculation will be processed. The system sees the Break box is checked on a line that is active. At this point the system will finish running this line, but nullify every other line and end the calculation process.
Instead of being presented with three options to choose from for shipping, the supporter will only be presented with one: the second line (which contained the Break). Not even the first line’s option would appear to the supporter, which the system fully calculated, because the Break on line two nullified it. So use Break to force the system to exclusively preference a line should that line activate.
Multiple Line Activations #
If several lines activate at once on the Table Rates calculation, and no Break exists, the supporter will see a list of all activated methods and they would be able to choose which method (line) they want to use.